Sunday, January 11, 2015

Healthy Benefits of some of the ingredients in the Chili

Since I agreed to this fitness challenge at Vernal Personal Trainers it has making want to learn more about what I am putting into my body. 
I know people tell me eat your vegetables, eat your protein and make sure to add in carbs.  But I want to know why and what benefits they have for me and my body.  So I have been doing some research on some things.  I have so much to learn but good thing I love to research and learn new things. 

Coconut Oil

I have heard of it before but I have never used it before.  I started using since I have been watching what I put into my body.  So here are a few health benefits of coconut oil.

-improves cholesterol
-boost immunity
-helps digestive disorder (IBD)
-can promote weight loss especially around the belly waist
-helps body mount resistance to viruses and bacteria
-can positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood sugar control
-can help improve insulin use in the body
-help body absorb fat soluble vitamins
-can increase good cholesterol in the body
-can help in keeping weight balance
-can help with aging by stopping the damage to other healthy fats and tissues in our bodies.


I have only used peppers sparingly when I cooked but now I will be sure to use them when I can.

-good for eyes
-anti cancer benefits
-supports immune system
-cures iron deficiency
-detoxifying properties
-burns calories
-cardiovascular benefits
-great source of vitamin b6 and magnesium
-benefits capsaicin
-benefits potassium


We use lots of onions pretty much in everything we cook.  

-detoxifying of metals and parasites
-assists respiratory issues
-strengthens bones
-prevents cancer
-anti spasmodic
-anti biotic
-protect the brain
-aids digestion
-purifies blood


We use lots of garlic also.  Love cooking with it and try to incorporate into everything

-strengthens immune system
-good levels of vitamin c
-can reduce cardiovascular disease
-good source vitamin b6
-can aid in prevention of multiple types of cancers
-regulates blood sugar

****Consuming too much can be detrimental to your health in large doses.****


We eat some tomatoes but not in the healthy way but we will be putting them in more of our foods now.

-keeps skin healthy
-supports bone health
-improves vision
-reduces hair problems
-lowers blood sugar levels
-wards off cancer
-promotes sound sleep
-control weight
-lowers blood pressure
-reduces chromic pain

I hope this helps you want to eat more veggies in your diet and learn alittle bit more about how they will benefit your body and health. 

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